

A God
knowledge and learning

Within the Feoh aett: Physical level

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Spiritual Guides Ritual

Note: The guides you attract may be entities from the astral plane, the dead or simply your subconscious mind. Keep in mind, these guides have their own agendas and opinions. What they tell you is not automatically right. They have access to information you don't have, but their guidance is colored by their interpretation of that information.

In other words, if your guide was a bigot when alive, he will still be a bigot when dead. Take all your guidance with a grain of salt.

Sometimes your guide will not appear. If that happens, ask your question anyway. Often the answer will pop into your head as you wait. Sometimes the answer will come to you long after the ritual is over.

I sit comfortably, knowing I will not be disturbed. With my eyes closed, I center my thoughts on my breathing. With each breath in, I count backwards from ten, one number for each breath. When breathing out I silently say "Deeper" and feel my body slowly sink into a calm, cool darkness. At number one, I am relaxed and free from the physical world.

With my mind, I trace the rune Ansuz; it glows blood red. The red glow settles on me and the earth beneath me. When the glow touches the earth, a bright light shines through me and shoots into the sky. This beacon invites all helpful entities to guide me. All harmful entities are banned from my presence. I look before me and a stage appears. The rune Ansuz is glowing red on the stage floor. I invite my first guide to appear on the stage. I calmly wait until the guide appears. I ask my guide my question and listen to the answer. I thank the guide and release him.

Once finished, I slowly count to five and open my eyes. The ritual is complete.

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