

Patience and constraint

Within the Haegl aett: Emotional level

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Limitations are a major concern now. You are being slowed by self imposed or environmental constraints. People, events or your own views are making progress difficult.

How you react to these limitations shows where you have not grown. These weaknesses attract people and circumstances that take advantage of you. They bring trouble, deny what you want, and generally make life harder.

The only constructive way to see these problems is as guides. These teachers will show you where you need improvement.

This rune indicates setbacks and failures, so show some restraint in your affairs. Know that the way will be tough until you have worked on your weaker points. Put your personal and business affairs in order. Expanding into new areas at this time will be a hard way to go.


An emotional housecleaning is needed here. Look closely at what is hurting or limiting you and you may see that the problem was coming from you all along. You could be denying what you know to be true, things may be emotionally blown out of proportion, or anger may be controlling your intellect.

Only you can know the problem. Be aware that pain and failure will continue until your house is in order. This cannot be ignored; the housecleaning must be done.

This rune indicates that discomfort may be the best taskmaster. Sometimes it takes deep pain before we will open our eyes to the light.

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