

Spiritual reunion
A Passage

Within the Feoh aett: Physical level

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The concern here is a journey, but not a physical material journey. It is a journey of the Soul; all movement is within yourself. You are on a quest of self creation, self healing or self discovery.

To accomplish this quest, you may embark on a physical journey, but the material outcome is of little importance. Only your inner quest matters. Putting material advantage before spiritual matters will only hinder the quest.

Trust in yourself. Do not follow those around you, even if their journey appears to be like yours. The essence of this journey is the Self. Let only your inner Self determine the direction of your quest.

This does not mean you must travel alone. If you are unsure of your way, ask through a prayer and you will be shown. Communication with the Divine is always a part of this journey.


Your soul is on a spiritual quest, a journey toward self improvement. However, an exterior influence is hindering your travel, and this influence needs to be removed.

Expect a disruption of your plans. This disruption is a detour, rerouting you around the hindering influence. This disruption may be with personal relationships, or it may include a failure.

Whatever the disruption, be aware that it is needed. It clears the road toward self improvement.

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