

Birch tree

Ritual guidance Within the Tyr aett: Mental level

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A rewarding growth is the issue with this rune. You are developing and expanding into new areas. These new areas could be in the physical world of possessions, the emotional world of relationships or even in the spiritual world of your higher Self.

This new growth is easily influenced. In the beginning you can be hampered by those who don't want change, especially those comfortable with who you have been. Or, you may be guided into directions unsuitable for you.

Look carefully at your guidance. Examine the motives of your guide, especially if that guide is yourself. Be certain that your ego is not leading you astray.

This growth will happen. Be aware of how others are influencing that growth, show patience and fairness, and you will grow in ways that strengthen you.


You are getting in your own way. Something about you is blocking your growth.

Pay attention to the events around you. How have you contributed to the outcome? What are you expecting to receive from your actions? These answers can show what is blocking your path.

You may have to start over, but after clearing the way, you can be certain of progress.

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