

Birch tree

Within the Tyr aett: Mental level

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Sex Ritual

Note: Confidence is subconsciously monitored by potential mates. If you wish to attract someone, observe your own behavior. What you think about yourself has everything to do with sexual attraction.

This ritual may work only because your self image improves, but the fact that it works is all that counts.

I sit comfortably, knowing I will not be disturbed. With my eyes closed, I center my thoughts on my breathing. With each breath in, I count backwards from ten, one number for each breath. When breathing out I silently say "Deeper" and feel my body slowly sink into a calm, cool darkness. At number one, I am relaxed and free from the physical world.

With my mind, I trace the rune Berkana; it glows blood red. The red glow slowly spreads out to include me. Every part of me fills with the red power. I feel the flaws of my body improving as the red glow fills me. I know I am growing strong and sexy. My best features are growing even stronger.

All that I am attracted to is attracted to me. When I catch someone's eye, they immediately want to know me.

If they do not respond to me, it is because they are afraid. How they react to me has no effect on me. I am calm and sure of myself. I know I am strong and sexy.

I slowly count to five and open my eyes. The sexy red glow of Berkana fills me as I go about my day. The ritual is complete.

Love Ritual

Note: This ritual is similar to the influencing dreams ritual with the rune Laguz. Dreams are a great way of communicating feelings to another.

I sit comfortably, knowing I will not be disturbed. With my eyes closed, I center my thoughts on my breathing. With each breath in, I count backwards from ten, one number for each breath. When breathing out I silently say "Deeper" and feel my body slowly sink into a calm, cool darkness. At number one, I am relaxed and free from the physical world.

With my mind, I trace the rune Berkana; it glows blood red. The red glow slowly fades to a soothing rose color. The rose drifts down to me and fills my chest. I feel strong and calm.

When my chest is full of the rose glow, I look in front of me and see the one I am attracted to sleeping. I notice all the details of that person. Once I have created them as completely as I can, I release the rose in my chest into their image. I am now connected to the image, and everything I feel and think becomes a part of their dream. I lovingly tell them what I want them to know.

I slowly count to five and open my eyes. My love's dreams will now include me. The ritual is over.

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